Sunday, August 01, 2004

more on Bloggers v. Small-Tent Lott


A milestone case study from the Shorenstein Center was released on Friday last week. It tells the story of Trent Lott, his talk at Strom Thurmond's birthday party in December 2002, and how the news flowed through professional channels, to the blogosphere, and back, ultimately resulting in Lott's resignation as majority leader of the US Senate.

Shorenstein Center is part of the Kennedy School of Government at Harvard University.

Sunday, July 18, 2004

Casinos all around, but poverty is not a lottery - everyone in the delta "cashes in" on it.

Where is our Guv'ner's plan to fix this?

click here to read the article in today's Washington Post: Poverty in the Delta (sign-up required to Washington Post)

OR: repost at

He seems to think the answer is more casinos: "Bali Hai" in Greenville, MS and "Myriad Botanical Resort" in Tunica
(see Clarion-Ledger June 17, 2004, page C1): (pay subscription required for archives)

Friday, July 16, 2004

Keepin' prisons full for years to come

Mississippi teachers remain among the lowest-paid in the country. 47th out of 50. With this kind of investment in public education, we can expect to be buildin' more prisons real soon.
for more click here: education doesn't matter

Yankee Writer Outs Guv'ner Bubba's Plan to "Keep 'em down"

Punishing the Poor
by Bob Herbert
"If you want to see "compassionate" conservatism in action, take a look at Mississippi, a state that is solidly in the red category (strong for Bush) and committed to its long tradition of keeping the poor and the unfortunate in as ragged and miserable a condition as possible.
How's this for compassion? Mississippi has approved the deepest cut in Medicaid eligibility for senior citizens and the disabled that has ever been approved anywhere in the U.S."

for more click here: keepin' 'em down

Thursday, July 15, 2004

Yankee Bloggers spank Sen. Small-Tent Lott

The New York Times says blogs do matter.

"People who think the mushrooming world of wannabe polemicists and their Web logs, or blogs, is merely a high-tech amusement should talk to Senator Trent Lott, the Mississippi Republican.

In Web lore, bloggers are credited with relentlessly drilling Senator Lott after he expressed segregation-tinged nostalgia for the Strom Thurmond presidential campaign, a story that the major news media initially missed. Mr. Lott was subsequently forced to quit as majority leader."

for more click here: bloggers rule!

Thanks, ya'll

I told ya'll we're burnin' up

The Clarion-Liar (oops, I meant Clarion-LEDGER) newspaper's press room caught fire yesterday.
Maybe that's the "liar liar pants on fire" thing...
for more click here: FIRE!

Wednesday, July 14, 2004

Hollow Bubba buys new jet with old people's prescription drug money

We're in flames down here ya'll... We now have a Repugnicant Guv'ner, none other than Hollow Bubba himsef, former Chairman of the Repugnicant party.

The first thing Guv'ner Bubba did when he took office was to buy a new jet. The next thing was to rob people of their constitutional rights to have a fair trial by ramming thru some more tort deform. The third thing he did was cut Medicaid to old people and disabled folks...

I hear Bubba's enjoying his new jet and that he will soon be flying around the country telling all ya'll yankees how deformed we are down here.

I'm UP!

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